Software Developer Training

Industry leaders are gaining competitive advantage by investing more in learning and development (L&D), according to a UK L&D report, 94% of companies recognise it is critical to success. This intentional prioritisation of L&D is critical to keep up with technology innovation. An investment in a continuous learning culture better adapts an organisation’s software development for continuous delivery.

The need for software developers to keep up with industry knowledge has never been more important, new technologies improve the productivity of software development teams. It is crucial that software development organisations have an in-depth understanding of technologies and be adaptable to rapid industry change.

Senior technology leaders are providing software engineering teams with a variety of ways to learn when at work. A research report by Training Industry Inc. found that a blended approach to learning modes (e.g. coaching, e-learning and on-the-job training) has a useful impact on their learning.

To meet the skill needs of software developers, there must be more emphasis on improving problem-solving skills and converting theoretical knowledge into practical application. This article discusses why on-the-job training is a better solution to foster continuous learning in an organisation’s software development culture.

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